To tailor the learning series and workbook courses over time, please use the links above to complete the Learner Profile and Exit Evaluation, which have been designed to include both open-ended and multiple-choice questions to gain insightful feedback regarding the learners’ needs, preferences, motivation, and readiness for learning to determine the “what”, “how”, and “when” of the instruction.

Please respond fully to open ended questions, which have been intentionally included to unveil information that is difficult to articulate through more narrow options.

Thank you for taking both the baseline and exit surveys. A comparison of baseline and post-learning surveys will illuminate strongholds and weaknesses and be used to tailor the educational programs.

Thank you for your feedback which will enhance the professional learning experience of future participants. Because of your contributions, successive learning opportunities will allow more children will excel in their occupational performances relating to communication, academic, and social participation.

Thank you from all of us at